Trump & Putin Star in M.Butterfly Benefit

Poster for M.Butterfly with Vladmir & Donald
Donald & Vladmir appear for one night only in what is sure to be an evening of revelations.

Washtington, DC.  Donald Trump will be returning to his gift as a performer to co-star with campaign guru Vladmir Putin in a retelling of the tragic tale of doomed love. “Just like Bernard, didn’t know he was a Premiere, and such a strong man. Was about love and horses. Melania understands.”

The play by  David H. Hwang premiered on this day (March 20th) in 1988, and likely the pair will repeat their performance for the twenty year anniversary of the play next year. While the original play detailed the doomed love of a french diplomat and a Chinese Peking opera star, who he mistakes for female, the story is remarkably similar.  They slept together for many years but somehow the diplomat failed to realize that the Opera star is a man and a spy, just like Trump had no idea when he was lying in bed with Putin that operatives were doing the same thing to our democracy.

Donald and Vladmir claim the same kind of innocence for their affairs. “His operatives penetrated to the very depths of our democracy, but I felt it was with gentle, feminine love. We will always have Moscow.” Steve Bannon is directing and the music will be performed by his band White Sabbath.

The DNC denied the rumor that Bernie Sanders will be making an appearance during intermission singing selections from Fiddler on the Roof, including “If I were the President”.